Gregory Sams | Sun of gOd, Is The Sun Conscious?

July 8,010—Red Ice talks about the Sun of God with Gregory Sams. Pioneering natural foods in the UK, he conceived and launched the original VegeBurger in 1982, adding a word to the language as he opened up the market for vegetarian foods.

In 1990 Greg founded “Strange Attractions” the world's only shop ever dedicated to chaos theory and went on to produce and license fractal images worldwide on everything from posters to book covers to fashion fabrics.

In 98, his first book, Uncommon Sense - the State is Out of Date came out and 7 years into the new millennium he’s been working on the book Sun of gOd which is about the possibility that our sun might be a conscious entity which is smarter then we might think. This is about the discovery of self-organized consciousness that underlines everything and about the potential rediscovery of something the ancient world knew much more about then we do today.
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