Colin Andrews | The Crop Circle/E.T. Connection, Consciousness, & 2012, December 30, 2011


The joy of this Veritas interview is that Colin Andrews' crop circle research turns out to be the vehicle through which greater realities about ourselves and our world (and about him!) come into focus in a unique and beautiful way.

Crop circle confidante and counselor to British royalty (which they deny) and for decades now the world's authority on the mysterious manifestations, Andrews delivers a rare gift on this show. He reveals some of his own metaphysical experiences, secrets that he, like so many in the know, have had to hide from the world.

It's time to be honest and authentic, he says, to take responsibility for what's happening on this planet.

The central message of the crop circles, he explains, is that we are at a turning point in evolutionary history. Human beings must evolve. The planet must be saved. We must find a way to pierce through the lies and deceit and control perpetrated upon the masses by the few. Time is of the essence. Our fate is hanging in the balance.

Crop circles are conveying one overarching fact: There is hugely more to our existence and capabilities than we have been allowed to know.

The second gift Andrews bestows here, by virtue of his own insight, is this: The crop circle phenomenon turns out to be a teaching tool about the "field" in which we exist, where something hears our thoughts and responds either telepathically or materially, or both.

Andrews recounts his and others' experiences of "asking" to appear, and witnessing henceforth, particular crop circle designs. What's awesome to contemplate is that some of these requests have been delivered henceforth by human "counterfeiters," making obvious the fact that whether the crop circles are man made (and he says 80 percent of them are), or not, extra-dimensional influence has taken place.

The palpable undercurrent of this prolific author's entreaty is his love for Earth, humankind and all creatures. A pleading despair percolates between sentences as he mentions the "war machine" that the USA has become, the damage perpetrated upon wildlife that HAARP's desperate measures to combat global warming is causing, about "the complex web of deception," and "the glazed eyes of children worried about jobs and roofs." He laments today's paucity of respect and love.

Andrews has just penned a highly researched book addressing the 2012 phenomenon, and it's an eye-opener when he says that the December 21 night sky will exhibit the ominous "Finger of God" star formation.

He says we are exiting a 26,000-year period of human evolution, currently in a stage that will last until 2033, and moving into a golden age. But "we're looking at a whole spectrum [of collapse] we have to be able to rebuild," he says.

"At the end of the day it's about us. We are the guardians of this planet. And it's time to take the reins in another direction."
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