The Healing Path with White Wolf Von Atzingen - Session 2: Grounding, June 5, 2012


Session 2: "Grounding"
For people beginning to work through their trauma, grounding is a critical skill in working through memories, dealing with "alters", and maintaining balance. In this show, White Wolf leads the listener through a guided grounding exercise.

The Healing Path is the way of recovery from trauma, pain, toxic lifestyles, and mind control. It is a path of awareness, consciousness, and spirituality rooted in the teachings of a Native American teacher and guide, named Meechgalanne, who taught the young White Wolf the skills which enabled him to survive years inside a CIA mind control program; and the skills White Wold has honed both "inside" the program and outside in nature. As a former CIA black projects assassin, White Wolf Von Atzigen was systematically programmed by CIA covert operations from childhood (actually in utero, as you will learn in the first audio) to become a stealth human lethal weapon. As the programs broke down, so did the walls to his many identities and nightmarish past.

He is the author of the book, "Shadow Scorpion", which details the story of his time inside the CIA assassin program and his recovery and healing.

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